
1 Mar

So it’s been a crazy couple of months!

I’ve finally recorded my album for Whirlwind Recordings and it was a blast. The studio was amazing, thank you to Dick Hammett for having us, and to Michael Janisch for all your expertise.And a BIG thank you to Phil Robson, Calum Gourlay and Jim Bashford who’s super talents meant we got the album recorded in ONE day!


Since then it’s all been go. The album is ready to be sent over to New York to be mixed and mastered and I’m about to start work on the cover artwork. I’ve also named it (but I can’t tell you yet!) and am in the process of organizing my first tour for the band, exciting.

In other news, Whirlwind Recordings are doing some stuff too. There is a new jam session starting at Pizza Express, Soho, hosted by Whirlwind artists, starting on Friday the 8th of March and every Friday after that. It’s going to feature the house band of our choice plus some amazing visiting artists, so it should be a wicked night. You better save money for a cab though, it’s a late one! You can read more about it here. Seen as I have just moved to London, I thought I would throw myself in there so you will be able to come hear me lead the house band on a number of different nights from April through to October.

Ok, I’m done for now. Before you go, do check out the new photos on my Photos page, taken by the lovely Stephen Jay.


Categories: Updates

Website updated

1 Mar

Sorry to anyone who has come on my website in the last day or so and had nothing to see…….it has now been updated!

Categories: Updates